Listen to .mp3 sample of If the Shoe Fits.
Sung by Mark S. Meritt.
As you go walking
On down the street
You want to look your best, be so well dressed from head to feet
You feel your outfits
Can’t go without glitz
Search the store
But what you dream of
May not come true
Instead you find a less extravagent but comfortable shoe
It may cost two bits
But if the shoe fits
Buy one more
We all have wants, you know, and that’s alright
But wants alone can mislead
A chocolate bar quenches your appetite
But sometimes what you want’s not what you need
Some cotton candy
And then a pear
A lazy Saturday inside, then Sunday out in the air
Use all your talents
And strike a balance
It’s tried and true
Things unexpected
Thrown in the mix
And if those somethings aren’t broken then there’s nothing to fix
They may cost two bits
But if the shoe fits
Purchase two
Diamond studded loafers will not do you any good
If you’re scared to wear them ’round the neighborhood
Things unexpected
Thrown in the mix
And if those somethings aren’t broken then there’s nothing to fix
They may cost two bits
But if the shoe fits
Purchase two
And with a lover
You will discover
One will do
© & 2007, 1997 Mark S. Meritt