How I Xanadu

Here’s me playing the song Xanadu on the piano, and starting with the second verse I start messing with the musical style a bunch.

According to the website for the Broadway musical, Xanadu means “to express oneself through the arts with abandon.” Well, this is how I Xanadu!

In the spirit of expressing oneself, if you like me playing this, you might like an original song I wrote, called Come Out.

For the record, I did this because the Broadway show was having a “Share Your Xanadu Contest,” in which you could win two tickets to the show by submitting a video of yourself “showing how you XANADU.” I don’t just go posting videos of myself doing this sort of thing for fun. But maybe I should!

Update, December 10, 2007 — I was informed today that I won the contest and that everyone involved enjoyed my piano Xanadu a lot. Hazzah!

View the YouTube Video

The video was captured and posted by Mark on YouTube on July 15, 2007. You can watch the video right here by just pressing the Play button immediately below. Or, you can visit YouTube to see the video or post a comment.

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