It’s a devil of a problem when a picky customer tries to find something they like at a consignment shop. A short film made for the Monthly Movie Challenge June 2024 theme: “Speak of the Devil” Watch on YouTube or…
A song to help you get through social distancing during a pandemic. Original version featured in Ben Kenobi’s Cantina Time — Episode IV — Ben Kenobi Talks About Social Distancing. Single Demo version features vocals by Shannon Pie. Single available…
Ben Kenobi has some things to say — and sing — about social distancing during a pandemic. A new web series’ first episode to celebrate 2020’s Star Wars Day, May the 4th. Watch on YouTube, Facebook, or right here: Single…
Yuppie couple goes back to the land – sells trendy Toronto pad, he quits his job as Head of Hostile Takeovers at DigestCom and she quits her job as a patent lawyer. They use all the money from the sale of their pad to buy a small plot of land on Galiano Island and live out of a lean-to eating deer meat and wild berries. They suffer severe caffeine withdrawal and can’t beat their insomnia. Hilarious adventures ensue.