Welcome to the Potluck Library & Store. Here, you’ll find diverse resources from diverse fields, all providing insight on different angles of what this site is all about.
We’d provide a comprehensive or “accepted” set of topics or materials if we could. But we can’t. It can’t be comprehensive because there’s much out there that’s relevant that we just haven’t come across, and because we’ll continue to find material that we’ll want to add here over time. It won’t be “accepted” because much of the spirit of this site hasn’t quite hit the mainstream yet. The goal here is simply to provide quality references that we know to elaborate on the ideas behind Potluck and its offerings.
All items in the Library have links to help you access or find out more about them. Most of these links are to Amazon.com — this subset of the Library is the Store. Depending on whether you want all items or only those with purchase links, you can use either the library tag or the store tag.
The most powerful way to search through the Library/Store is to Browse by Tag Interactively. Click on the radio button for All of the Selected Tags, select the library or store tag in addition to whichever other tags you want to look for, and then just use this special tag search according to the directions on the page.
The simplest way to visit the Library/Store is to view the complete listings — visit the Library, or visit the Store.
An in-between solution:
- Browse by Tag in the standard way.
- Click on a tag you’re interested in other than library or store. The tag archive for that item will come up.
- Add “+library” or “+store” in your web browser’s address field right next to the name of the tag you’d picked. For example, if you’d selected the tag archive for sociology, you’d be looking at the page https://potluck.com/tag/sociology/. Change the address to either https://potluck.com/tag/sociology+library/ or https://potluck.com/tag/sociology+store/ and you’ll then be looking at all the Library/Store items that have a sociology tag.