Tag: Business and Livelihood


Wall-EBy Written by Andrew Stanton & Jim Reardon; Original Story by Andrew Stanton & Pete Docter; Directed by Andrew Stanton Purchase at:

Nothing but Flowers (a short screenplay)

Yuppie couple goes back to the land – sells trendy Toronto pad, he quits his job as Head of Hostile Takeovers at DigestCom and she quits her job as a patent lawyer. They use all the money from the sale of their pad to buy a small plot of land on Galiano Island and live out of a lean-to eating deer meat and wild berries. They suffer severe caffeine withdrawal and can’t beat their insomnia. Hilarious adventures ensue.

African Social Evolution

There is a movement in Africa to bolster pride in the continent by debunking European myths about ‘wild Africa,’ i.e. that before Europeans arrived here there was no civilization. This effort is attempting not only to reveal the truth about that period, but also build local pride in the ancient civilizations there. But, given the actual impact that human civilizations have had on the planet and on people outside any given society, is civilization really something to build pride upon? How we understand this history has impacts on not only Africans but people of all civilizations – the way we perceive ourselves and the future directions we take. For this piece I have drawn on my own observations of Ghana, my visit to Ghana’s Mole National Park, interviews with a tour company operator, recent developments regarding the San (Bush People) of Botswana and that country’s recent Supreme Court decision to allow them back onto their tribal lands but with strict conditions imposed, and extensive secondary research into African politics and history.