The Invitation In mid-March, my friend and colleague Kat Koppett asked me if I’d be involved in a pretty unique way in the 3rd Annual Capital Region / Berkshires 24-Hour Theatre Project, which premiered last night, Saturday, May 18, 2013.…
Tag: Poetry
You and Me and Her or Him
This song was one of three songs written for the 3rd Annual Capital Region / Berkshires 24-Hour Theatre Project. For more information on that event and the process of writing the songs for it, see Songwriting for a 24-Hour Theatre…
Fear the Monoculture
I fear the monoculture
because I know in the time of choosing
which culture will win out:
The Dominant One
the one that eats forests for breakfast
and oceans for supper
Our Whole Lives
This song was written as a submission for American Idol’s first songwriter contest. Howard and Mark used Appreciative Inquiry to tailor the song for the program — the first time either of them had created a song fully through the…
Come Out
This song was written for a compilation album of songs inspired by the work of Daniel Quinn. Mark wanted to throw things for a loop with this song about being true to who you are. The appreciative approach he took…
Isolation — the human condition II
Went into the Cit-y Escaped from the trees away from the lions chasing me Bought me a robot to fix me drinks so I could sit on my porch and do nothing but think Planes overhead through clouds of smog…
Morality v. Tolerance, Round II
In his ancient marble tower an Archbishop’s Divine Power is impenetrable, unquestionable, his right He makes promises for an hour as the people below him cower then shed money from fists once tight For to reach the Immaterial State with…
A Vision for Johnny Cash
Cash sang a lot about jail the long term kind without bail Those paying for sins part theirs part ours men and women at extremes under the American dream fermented and left out to go sour But is not America…
A Systemic Policeman’s Poem
I hate the man who appreciates the hatred Can’t stand the one who tolerates them all Least of all can I abide the ones who set them up just to watch them fall I love the woman who deals with…
This piece appeared in the first and only issue of Mosaic: A Magazine of Arts, Sciences & Everything in Between, which evolved into this website. I have conceded. I am defeated. I have been burned to the ground. Every last…